What's this about?
- Language Designers:
Looking for operator or function names? Well have a look at the
following and remember using existing one may ease the transition :)
- Language Users:
You know one language and want to find the corresponding operator or
function in another language
- Language lovers:
Want to know the various ways people invented for commenting/assigning/...?
This is of course incomplete. I welcome contributions!
You may also have a look at this information sorted by languages.
One Big Page
Same content in one big page
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- Delphi, VisualBasic, C++, Java
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- Java, C#
- Java, C#
- Ruby, Java, Perl
- Python, Perl
- Python, Lisp
- PL/I, C
- Perl, PHP
- EmacsLisp, Perl
- Smalltalk, Lisp
- Tasks in many languages
- Yoann 'Pad' Padioleau (Haskell additions, Beta, various fixes)
- Jakub Travnik (Pascal, Delphi-Kylix)
- Robert Feldt (Ruby additions)
- Pascal Terjan (PHP)
- Carlos 'angus' (PostScript)
- Axel Kittenberger (various)
- Guido van Rossum (block vs scoping)
- Jeffrey Hobbs (Tcl)
- Mark-Jason Dominus (SML, various)
- Ash Searle (Java, PHP, JavaScript)
- Mark S. Miller (E)
- Pete Jinks (various)
- Steve Tolkin (various)
- Franck Arnaud (Eiffel)
- Tom Murphy (SML)
- Guy Steele (Fortran, and many various)
- Carl Gay (Dylan, CommonLisp)
- Jay (Lua)
- Philippe Lhoste (Lua, JavaScript)
- Jim Rogers (Ada, Java, Threads section)
- Ketil Z. Malde (Haskell)
- Mark Carroll (Modula-3)
- Keith Wansbrough (Haskell and a few SML)
- Remi Vanicat (OCaml)
- Matthieu Villeneuve (CommonLisp)
- Joachim Durchholz (Eiffel)
- Walter Vannini (C, "breaking lines" idea)
- Peter Lewerin (Tcl)
- Patrice Ossona de Mendez (Pliant)
- Bert Freudenberg (Smalltalk & Squeak additions corrections)
- Dennis Haney (Perl, C#)
- Fergus Henderson (Mercury)
- Ralph Becket (Mercury)
- Bill Thornton (Java)
- Nik Crabtree (C#)
- Neal Holtz (Python)
- Donald Chai (Python)
- Fred Spiessens (Oz)
- Martin Nilsson (Pike)
- Theodore Eastman (VisualBasic)
- George Herson (Eiffel)
- Lee Denison (Tcl)
- Anton Rolls (Rebol)
- Pedro (Lua)
- Nathan Sharfi (C99, C#, C++)
- Dirk Gerrits (Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs Lisp)
- Tabitha Arrowny (Ruby, Python, Perl, ...)
- Péter Varga (BourneShell, Common Lisp, ...)
- Ian Henderson (Objective C)
- Anthony Borla (Classic REXX, Prolog, Logo)
- Paul McJones (Modula-3 fixes)
- Uwe Kolb (Smalltalk fixes)
- Ciaran McNulty (PHP)
- David B. Nagle (Yorick)
- Michael Schaufelberger (Eiffel)
- Samuel Charron (Erlang)
- Kyle Ross (OCaml)
- Damien Krotkine (Ruby)
- Guillaume Cottenceau (Java)
- David.Whitten (MUMPS)
- Phil Howard (various)
- Andrzej Zawadzki (Ruby)
- Stuart Brady (VisualBasic)
- Joris Gillis (Maple)
- Garrett Wollman (Ruby, BourneShell, C...)
- Claus Gittinger (Smalltalk)
- Bobby 'nneonneo' Xiao (Python)
- Michael Schlenker (Tcl)
- Alex Vondrak (Python)
- Daniel Laberge (Pascal)
- Daniel Wagner (Haskell)
- Bob Bane (Common Lisp)
- Alan Hogan (Java)
- Steve Davison (C)
- Konstantin Yegupov (PHP, Python...)
- Noé Rubinstein (Io, CoffeeScript)
- Florentin Millour (Yorick)
- Axel Liljencrantz (FishShell)
- Sanghyeon Seo (Lua)
- Szabolcs Horvát (Mathematica)
- Laurent Le Brun (F#, GNU-sed)
- Julien Hall (Smalltalk)
- Ian Osgood (Forth)
- Dmitry A. Kazakov (Ada)
- Peter Hermann (Ada)
- Ian Jackson (Tcl, Perl, C, Assembler...)
- Steve Breese
- Nils M Holm (Scheme, ...)
- Stas Malyshev (PHP5)
- Adam Woodbeck (Go)

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