The "Unknown:"s below indicate that an entry is incomplete.
See the various entries for C#
delegate(ta a, tb b) { ... } | anonymous function |
serialize (marshalling)
unserialize (un-marshalling)
list concatenation
list flattening
adding an element at the beginning (list cons)
adding an element at index
adding an element at the end
first element
all but the first element
last element
get the first element and remove it
get the last element and remove it
transform a list (or bag) in another one
transform two lists in parallel
find an element
keep elements
is an element in the list
is the predicate true for an element
is the predicate true for every element
smallest / biggest element
iterate with index
remove duplicates
f(... f(f(init, e1), e2) ..., en)
record (type declaration)
union type declaration
dictionary (type name)
dictionary (merge)
random (seed the pseudo random generator)